_ Corkscrew Island Neighborhood Association April 17, 2012 __________________________________________________________________
A meeting of the Corkscrew Island Neighborhood Association (CINA) took place at the Corkscrew Sanctuary on Tuesday, April 17, 2012. Sixteen people attended, including three non-members Penny Ruby, Chris Roberts and Casey Roberts. In the absence of President Bill McDaniel, Secretary Doug Wilson opened the meeting at 7:10 pm with the pledge of allegiance to two new flags that were presented.
Minutes of February 21, 2012 Meeting The minutes of the February meeting were read (the highlights of) and a discussion evolved on the neighborhood crime issue of that meeting. Was there any further information on crime in the neighborhood? Nancy Wilson reported that she talked to the owner at the Sanctuary Nursery who had a break-in a month ago where two motor carts were taken from his shed through a hole cut in the back fence. Nobody else had anything to report but it was decided to send an email out to the neighborhood soliciting information from neighbors. Doug Wilson added to the discussion after citing neighbor Robbie Wooster’s almost-break in several years ago. Robbie had a shotgun and called the Sheriff so the perp didn’t get in. As an attorney Doug explained that even before the new “Stand Your Ground” law, if someone does break into your home you could stand your ground and shoot. The new law lets you do that in any public place instead of avoiding violence if you can. Worse, you can follow anyone on public ground, and if that leads to a confrontation, you can plant your feet and shoot. This led into a discussion on the Zimmerman-Martin case. It used to be your duty to avoid deadly force but the new "Stand Your Ground" law allows you to stand your ground wherever you are, including every step you take, which could cover stalking. While the law was intended to protect the innocent, it’s a gray area. Why it took so long to arrest Zimmerman was because it used to be that deputies could arrest for probable cause. Now they are required to make a judgment whether the perp was right to use violence. The only good thing about the new law is that defendants claiming immunity now have a strong incentive to show all their cards, even waive their right against self-incrimination and take the stand, which can be used against them if they lose that hearing. And one defense lawyer in Orlando said on NPR that out of 15 such hearings, he had won only two. So if you can catch the bad guys before they leave the country while the prosecutor is making up his mind to arrest them, you still stand a good chance of getting a conviction.
Motion: a motion was made that the February minutes be approved with no corrections or amendments. It was seconded and passed unanimously.
Old Business
Continued discussion on crime in the neighborhood More comments followed about criminal activity in the neighborhood. Some said there used to be a neighborhood watch where they attended training. Lynn Radi and Robert Rulison, present at the meeting, shared information as retired law enforcement officers. Suggestions were if you see an unknown or unfamiliar car parked alongside the road, to take down the license plate. You can also set up cameras at strategic locations on public roadways. You don’t need a gun, there are other ways to handle crime in the neighborhood.
New Business
Debate Between Candidates for County Commissioner The question was asked whether we wanted to have another debate between candidates for the upcoming election to County Commissioner this year. The last one was held at the Ag Center July 22, 2008, with CINA president Bill McDaniel introducing the candidates and CINA secretary Doug Wilson moderating and posing questions. The debate was co-hosted by the Golden Gate Community Association. This year Mr. McDaniel is running for County Commissioner. Eduardo Tabraue suggested asking the candidates. It was suggested that a motion be made and let the CINA Board of Directors decide how to work the details.
Motion: a motion was made to host another election debate forum for candidates for Sheriff and County Commissioner, in conjunction with the Golden Gate Community Association if they desire to co-host, details to be worked out by the CINA Board of Directors.
Membership drive The subject of how to get new members was raised for discussion. What is the best way of getting new members in CINA? One suggestion was to divide the neighborhood up into sections and ask everyone to ask their neighbors. Nancy Wilson suggested a summer barbeque picnic and invite the whole neighborhood. She offered to be social director and look into it. It was suggested to contact the Naples Daily News ahead of time to promote it and spread the word. Maria Tabraue suggested we tell the neighbors our concern about criminal activity to get them more involved. The more people we have coming to meetings who know what’s going on, the better we will be able to cover the neighborhood against crime.
Fire prevention Mike Knight of the Sanctuary again posed a warning that we are going through a severe drought this year and it's a potential fire season, so clear debris and leaves from your house for 30 feet, and clear overhanging branches on driveways for possible fire trucks. Make sure your street numbers can be readily seen by fire trucks looking for locations. Do the things that Fire Chief Rita has suggested in her emails which have been sent around to everyone on the email list.
Introduction of guests Three guests were introduced: Chris and Casey Roberts, son and daughter-in-law of member Margie Roberts, who have just moved into the neighborhood from Texas. They are available for housecleaning and fix-up and repair work. And Penny Ruby, a former member of CINA also attended this meeting. We were glad to have them and hope they will become members too.
Motion: A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 8 pm. It was seconded and passed unanimously.