Neighborhood Resources
Here are some resources available to you right in our neighborhood and the utilities that serve us. If you have a resource to add to this list, or a change to be made, send a message through the "Contact Us" link.
Local Fire Department
Jamie Cunningham, Fire Chief North Collier Fire Control and Rescue District 239-455-1204 office 239-289-5285 cell 239-455-6497 fax 911 emergency Email: [email protected]. Corkscrew Wildlife Sanctuary A National Audubon Preserve at end of Sanctuary Road Director: Lisa Korte Senior Resource Manager: Allyson Webb, email 375 Sanctuary Road (239) 348-9151 Website & Phone Directory: Prescribed Burns The sanctuary carries out prescribed (controlled) burns from time to time. Senior Resource Manager, Allyson Webb sends messages to the neighborhood on the morning of the burn, after getting a permit from the FL Forest Service. Contact her at: 239.849.8670. Email: [email protected]. Trash Pickup Wednesday & Saturday mornings. Trash barrels must be placed prior to 6 am on the day of pickup, but may be put out any time after 6 pm the night before. Empty barrels must be brought in before 6 pm after pickup. Excess trash should be placed in heavy duty plastic bags curbside. Place barrels and bags within 3 feet of the curb and 4 feet from other objects with cart lids fully closed. For barrel replacements or repair, call 239-252-2380. Know the cart size in gallons when calling, it is embossed on top of the lid. See Recycle in right-hand column > Bulky items too large for the cart: You must call for special pickup 48 hours before your RECYCLING collections day. Call 239-252-2380. This includes appliances, stoves, refrigerators, clothes washers, dishwashers, microwave ovens and electronics. Mattresses: For ideas in disposing an old mattress, read Yard waste: Bundle yard waste in less than 50 pound bundles, no more than 4 feet in length and branches no larger than 4 inches in diameter, securely tied with twine. Use only paper to bundle yard waste. Plastic is not acceptable. Limit yard waste to 10 bundles wrapped in paper, or use 32 gallon personal containers which weigh less than 50 pounds when filled and not extend more than 12 inches over the top of the container. Do not place yard waste in your trash or recycling cart. Construction & demolition materials (C&D): Debris from small household repairs may be placed in the green trash cart. C&D debris may NOT be placed curbside outside of your trash cart. C&D debris generated by a licensed builder or contractor must be removed by the homeowner, builder or contractor. Tires and batteries: These are special pickup items. Each month up to four standard vehicle tires with an outer diameter up to 33 inches with or without rims, and up to two vehicle batteries may be placed curbside for free collection on your recycling day. Call 239-252-2380 at least 48 hours before your recycling collection day to schedule a pickup. Holiday Collection Schedule: There are three holidays each year when there is no collection of any kind: Fourth of July, Thanksgiving and Christmas Day. There is no make-up day. If your collection falls on one of these holidays, your trash/recycling/yard waste will be collected on your next regularly scheduled collection day. |
Questions on Animals & Plants
Jean McCollom Biologist Retired 985 Sanctuary Road Naples, FL 34120 [email protected] 239-304-1847 Jean is a long-time CINA member and neighbor. She has been a biologist with Florida Fish and Wildlife, The Nature Conservancy, and National Audubon Society. Contact her if you have a question concerning wildlife or plants in your yard or property. Feral Cats Sanctuary Michele Antonia Animal Compassion Project, Inc. 239-825-4093 [email protected] * Animal Compassion Project, Inc. Advocates for TNR and alternatives to euthanasia Sanctuary for unadoptable cats Local repairs and more Josh Cole [email protected] 239-315-2257 Contact Josh if you need a repair or to build something. He has a natural talent for doing what needs to be done. He lives right here in the neighborhood. Recycle Information Recycle pickup is Wednesday morning. Put the yellow-covered recycle can by the road Tuesday night after 5 pm. If in doubt, call Collier County at 239-252-2380 and press 2 for recycling, trash and irrigation. What can be recycled in the normal way by putting in black plastic bags inside the yellow covered recycle bin: Paper: Newspapers, phone books, soft cover books, magazines, catalogs, junk mail, paper bags, cardboard, cereal boxes w/o plastic. Flatten and bundle large cardboard boxes into pieces 3’x3’ or less. Cans & glass: aluminum cans, steel cans, tin cans, all plastics #1-#7, clear glass, brown glass, green glass, egg cartons, styrofoam trays (not blocks or peanuts). Special pickup: Call Collier County, 239-252-2380 and press 2 for recycling. 48 hours notice required. Be prepared to give them a list of what you want picked up. They will pick up a sofa, mattress, refrigerator, appliances, tires, electronics, that type of thing. They have to know what size truck to send. It is usually the same day as trash and recycle pickup (Wednesday morning) so for a special pickup, call them by the Friday before, and put the items out by the street Tuesday evening after 5 pm, or before 8 am Wednesday morning. Electronics: Keep electronics in a separate container since disposal is different for these. They will pickup computers, printers, televisions, stereo receivers, batteries of all kinds, CD players, tape recorders, telephones, that kind of thing. What they don't recycle: Styrofoam blocks, styrofoam peanuts, hoses, electrical wire, window glass, mirrors, pots or pans, hard cover books. Either put these in the trash or, if re-usable (like pots, pans and hard cover books) take them to Goodwill or the Salvation Army. |