Neighborhood News
CINA street sign re-imbursement program
revised 6/20/11
CINA members may apply to CINA for re-imbursement for cost of street sign materials, through the following process:
1. CINA member requests CINA to approve street sign re-imbursement. CINA votes on request considering:
• available funds
• prioritization of requests considering number of CINA members that benefit from the street sign, and cumulative activity of members (e.g., involvement on committees or Board, attend meetings, number of years as a member)
• maximum re-imbursement limit
2. CINA votes on request.
3. Member provides quote for cost of materials to Treasurer (this can be done at same time as step #1 or later). Treasurer approves or denies quote.
4. Member arranges to have signs manufactured, picked-up, installed (CINA members are willing to assist.)
5. After sign has been installed, CINA re-imburses member for cost of street sign materials, not to exceed amount approved by Treasurer.
I have shopped around for street sign prices. Best prices so far:
Municipal Supply & Sign Co.
1095 5th Ave N, Naples, FL 34102.
Example: 2 double-sided blades (6” x 24”; green with white lettering) + 10-ft U-channel galvanized post, top bracket + cross bracket for 2nd sign = $99.60. $105.58 with tax.
-- note: more efficient to order 2 blades. 1 = $47, 2 = $56.
-- They also sell a top-bracket for 4x4 wooden posts =$13; wood signpost is slightly less expensive; would require purchasing post from another store.
-- I have called them several times and get different prices each time, but total $ is about the same.
SignCraft (643-1777) in Naples gave me a quote of $263 for same product.