Corkscrew Island Neighborhood Association August 20, 2013 ________________________________________________________
A meeting of the Corkscrew Island Neighborhood Association (CINA) took place at the Corkscrew Sanctuary meeting room on Tuesday, August 20, 2013. Thirteen people attended. President Bill McDaniel opened the meeting at at 7:10 pm with the pledge of allegiance.
Minutes of April 16, 2013 Meeting The minutes of the April meeting were passed around and were approved with no amendments. Motion: a motion was made that the April minutes be approved with no corrections or amendments. It was seconded and passed unanimously.
Old Business
Election of Officers The election of officers, which was scheduled for the April meeting, did not take place. President Bill McDaniel asked if there were any volunteers to run for president, vice-president, secretary or treasurer, and no one volunteered. He then asked if the sitting officers would be willing to continue holding office. All agreed except for Lynn Radi who resigned as director. Maureen Bonness volunteered to take his place as a director.
Motion: a motion was made that the Board of CINA be as follows: Bill McDaniel, President; Doug Wilson, Secretary, Nancy Wilson, Vice-President & Treasurer; John Hinson, Director and Maureen Bonness, Director. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.
Scholarship There was more discussion about the $500 scholarship that was approved at the February meeting, pending the working out of details by the Scholarship Committee. After much discussion it was suggested that it appeared we were not completely sold on the scholarship idea and that perhaps we should discuss options. Further discussion ended with a decision to donate it to the Sanctuary as a way of giving back to the neighborhood. The consensus was to offer $500 to Director Jason Lauritsen and ask him how he would like to apply it, with our approval. Two suggestions were made (1) the purchase and installation of WiFI for the Sanctuary buildings for use by guests of the Sanctuary, and (2) a big sign for the end of Sanctuary to replace the one that was destroyed.
Motion: To send to Sanctuary Director Jason Lauritsen in writing a proposal to donate up to $500 to the Sanctuary, to be used for a purpose to be decided upon by the Sanctuary. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.
Motion: To dissolve the Community Services Committee. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.
Oil Well Drilling Bill McDaniel invited someone from the oil company to come and speak at the October meeting to answer questions. There was much discussion about oil drilling but it’s all heresay, Bill reported. Doug Wilson suggested the only way to stop it now is a lawsuit, and the people who are against it don’t have the money, so it will go forward. Bill said they would drill five wells. Mike Duever showed on a map where they are going to be drilling. Bill asked if we wanted to have the Collier people come and talk at the next meeting. The consensus was “Yes.” Let’s invite those who are knowledgeable to come and speak to us.
Membership Drive Doug Wilson reported that he had taken responsibility for the membership drive, but he didn’t have a plan. He wanted to contac the county and get names of residents here. A lot of discussion over what was the best way to proceed with a membership drive, including the need to reach out to the bi-lingual community. Doug asked for authority to spend $500 on the membership drive with Board approval.
Motion: To authorize Doug Wilson to spend up to $500 on the membership drive with Board approval. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.
Bill suggested everybody bring a neighbor by calling around on the phone. More discussion. Mike Knight said the Sanctuary is planning a World Wetlands Day on February 1, 2014 and that we could piggyback on that. We have only 17 paid members today and we have 250 potential residents as members. Nancy said she would clean up the data base she has been keeping of names in the neighborhood and send the list to Maureen and the Board. They could then start working with names of people they know.
Crime in the Neighborhood Lynn asked if there were any more reports of crime in the neighborhood. Bill said he had been broken into at Red Hawk. They stole a gun, a 22 and a black powder gun. Whoever it was knew where the keys were kept, used them and then put them back where they belonged and nothing further was taken. No further report was made.
Road Construction on 846 The question was asked what is the County doing on 846? Maureen said they are widening the shoulders, that’s all. No, it is not going to be a four lane.
New Business
There was no new business.
Motion: A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 9 pm. It was seconded and passed unanimously.