Corkscrew Island Neighborhood Association February 21, 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________
A meeting of the Corkscrew Island Neighborhood Association (CINA) took place at the Corkscrew Sanctuary on Tuesday, February 21, 2012. Seventeen members attended and signed the sign-in sheet. In the absence of President Bill McDaniel, Secretary Doug Wilson opened the meeting at 7 pm with the pledge of allegiance.
Minutes of October 2011 Meeting Since a Christmas party took place in lieu of a December meeting, the minutes of the October 2011 meeting were passed around for comments and/or approval. The minutes were approved as read.
Motion: a motion was made that the October minutes be approved as read. This was seconded and accepted unanimously.
Old Business
Minutes Posted on Website Treasurer and website maintainer Nancy Wilson requested approval for posting minutes of meetings on the CINA website. A discussion followed suggesting that posting minutes would be positive for it would be a way of getting word out of what we are doing, that it is active and good for the neighborhood, and would bring in more members.
Motion: a motion was made that the Minutes of Meetings should be posted on the website. This was seconded and accepted unanimously.
Listing names of members on Website Nancy Wilson asked whether members wanted their names posted on the CINA website. A discussion followed, ending with the suggestion to make it optional whether a member wanted their name shown.
Motion: a motion was made that an option be given to the members to list their names on the CINA website, on an opt-in basis, such that no such posting will occur unless the member consents. Further, each member may designate the elements of information he or she wants to post in addition to the member's name: address, telephone number(s), email address. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.
New Business
What constitutes a quorum Maureen Bonness asked if perhaps we needed to re-evaluate the number of members required to make a quorum since we had so few members at the meetings. A discussion followed about what makes up a quorum. Mike Duever and Jean McCollum made a review of attendance at the last eight meetings and reported that there were meetings at which the number of attendees was less that the required 15. Doug Wilson, as parliamentarian, advised that motions passed at such meetings were legal unless the quorum was challenged prior to passage. He noted that our history is as a highly democratic "town hall" organization and not a representative one in which the board of directors holds all the power except on election day, and that reducing the quorum might undermine the credibility of CINA decisions as reflective of community sentiment. There was further discussion, with the result that no motion was made to change the quorum rule.
Crime in the neighborhood? The subject of crime in the neighborhood was raised and a discussion followed. No one seemed to have anything to report recently except for a couple of starters that were stolen from a vehicle in a yard along with some diesel fuel siphoned.
Fire prevention Mike Knight of the Sanctuary reported as a volunteer fireman that the season is developing into a serious fire hazard. He warns the neighborhood to clear debris and leaves from houses for 30 feet; to clear overhanging branches on their driveways for potential fire trucks; to make sure their street numbers are clearly visible for identification and location purposes.
Motion: A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 7:55 pm. It was seconded and passed unanimously.