Corkscrew Island Neighborhood Association October 16, 2012 _____________________________________________________________________________
A meeting of the Corkscrew Island Neighborhood Association (CINA) took place at the Corkscrew Sanctuary on Tuesday, October 16, 2012. Fourteen people attended, including one guest. President Bill McDaniel opened the meeting at at 7:10 pm with the pledge of allegiance.
Minutes of August 21, 2012 Meeting The minutes of the August meeting had been emailed to everyone and were also passed around on paper, read and approved with no amendments.
Motion: a motion was made that the August minutes be approved with no corrections or amendments. It was seconded and passed unanimously.
Old Business
Treasurer’s Report The treasurer’s report was passed around and Treasurer Nancy Wilson reported that CINA had $2759.88 in the bank as of September 30, 2012 with no outstanding bills.
Request for Sheriff’s Deputy to talk Secretary Doug Wilson reported that after requesting a Sheriff’s Deputy to come and speak at one of our meetings, he had not had a response and had not followed up on it. It was left open.
Summer party cancelled - Christmas party on Bill McDaniel said we did not have a summer party because everyone was busy and it was too hot. But the Christmas party is on and Bill invited everyone to come to Red Hawk Lane, his cottage in the woods. Everyone agreed. This will take place on the regular meeting date of the third Tuesday in December, December 18, 2012. Everyone bring something for the food table. A notice will be emailed to everyone.
The President’s Comments on the Commissioner’s race Bill talked about still hurting over losing the election but he will do it again. He lost by just 285 votes. That would have been 145 votes if it had switched from the other candidate oer to him. The main gig was money, we raised a lot of money but the dynamics didn’t work. The majority left at Easter time and those people didn’t know who I was. I couldn’t get to them. Bill talked about Tim Nance. He likes him, is a friend. Bill advocates we invite him to come to a meeting and talk to us.
Flood Insurance Lynn Radi announced that the confusion with the insurance company mentioned at the last meeting - where they wanted him to take flood insurance on his property even though his house was above the water line - worked out well in the end. He went to the County and they provided the proper maps and surveys.
Pythons in the area? Nobody has seen any. Discussion followed about other wild life such as ferrel cats and dogs that bothered livestock. It was asked whether you could shoot ferrel cats if they were bothering your neighborhood. It was reported that you can shoot a dog if it’s hurting cattle. Bill suggested using live traps to capture dogs and cats and taking them to the Humane Society. He added that he had trapped ferrel cats in the past and taken them in to be spayed and then brought them back to be released to the wild.
Mosquito spraying We are outside the spray zone. Rookery Lane is not! They do not spray near the Sanctuary but around the periphery. Mosquitoes ate us alive tonight, said Bill. We got another month of this. Dave Farmer is running for Mosquito Control Board. Bill will ask him for maps of where they spray.
Free Sanctuary admissions for neighbors? Someone suggested at the last meeting that, perhaps with the change in directorship, with Ed Carlton retiring and Jason Lauritsen stepping in to fill the position, we could perhaps request free passes for the neighbors. Mike Knight reported that the staff are re-evaluating admissions policy to the Sanctuary, the prices and free passes. The president suggests that we wait until Jason and staff gets it together. Maureen suggests maybe we can volunteer services to the Sanctuary in exchange for free passes. Everyone thought that a good idea.
Election of officers We missed the election of officers this year. It should have been done at the April meeting, as it is always done at that time. Do we need a motion to keep the present officers in? The Secretary said that, without an election, the sitting officers continue to hold office without need of a motion. The President said we will hold the election in February or April.
New Business
Using CINA funds to sponsor community event Lynn Radi suggested that since we have an accumulation of funds in the bank, we give something to the fire department which is always in need of more equipment. This led to a discussion about other projects we could donate to, such as a local boy scout troop or baseball team, where the CINA sign could be posted for all to see. Mike Knight offered that Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary will be holding a big festival in February with music and rides to draw interest in wild life. It will require sponsorship for things like the BBQ, band and rides. Doug suggested that the President appoint a Community Services Committee to research and recommend potential projects to donate to.
Motion: That the president appoint a Community Services Committee to research and recommend projects to the neighborhood. Seconded and approved.
President appoints Community Services Committee The President appointed Maureen Bonness, Grace Radi, and Doug Wilson volunteered to be on the committee.
The Opening of Lazy Springs Family Park Bill announced he had just opened an ATV family park called Lazy Springs. It is on his old mining operation on the other side of Immokalee on the north side near Lee County line. There are 375 acres. 100 acres are open now. You can swim, fish and the kids will have the highest man-made slide at 60 feet high. There are 400 perimeter camping sites. The 41 acre pond is loaded with bass. There’s a Facebook page and website at It’s been open a month. Bill reported that his campaign page broke 200 hits. This has 400 hits already. Cost is $22/day from 7 in the morning to 7 at night. We can rent canoes, kyacks, and will eventually rent ATVs. It’s a 4-wheeler club. The Southern Extreme Water Ski team is using it. Bring a shade tent, you will need it.
Motion: A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 8 pm. It was seconded and passed unanimously.