Corkscrew Island Neighborhood Association within the Big Corkscrew Island Community
Updated 8/31/16
The Corkscrew Island Neighborhood Association
The Corkscrew Island Neighborhood Association is a not-for-profit organization serving residents and property owners in our service area of Collier County, Florida. Our neighborhood is a quiet rural area located in and around Immokalee Road, about 15 miles east of I-75. We are a "town hall" kind of organization, in that while we have a board of directors, all business of any significance is done by a vote of the membership present at any duly called meeting of the members. We even have a procedure for absentee voting by the entire membership if the issue is deemed that important by any five members.
We discuss issues that are of common interest to our neighborhood. These may involve such things as taxes, impact fees, proposed development projects, illegal activities, and happy activities as well. Sometimes we advocate for or against particular matters pending before the County Commissioners, our legislators or Congress.
Meetings of the Corkscrew Island Neighborhood Association are held every even-numbered month on the third Tuesday. They are held at the Corkscrew Sanctuary meeting room starting at 7 p.m.
Currently the officers are Bill McDaniel, President; Nancy Wilson, VP and Treasurer; and Douglas Wilson, Secretary. These three are also directors of the board, along with John Hinson and Maureen Bonness, Directors.
We hope everyone in our service area will join. A new member may join by mailing $10 - payable to CINA - to CINA, c/o Wilson, 616 Sanctuary Road, Naples, FL 34120-4837. Or they can pay in person by attending a meeting. The dates of this year's meetings are shown below.
Officers & Directors
Bill McDaniel, President, email: click on his name. Tel: 239-253-1617 Douglas Wilson, Secretary: email: click on his name. Tel: 239-348-9191 Nancy Wilson, VP & Treasurer, email: click on her name. Tel: 239-348-0894 John Hinson, Director, to contact John click on his name. Tel: 239-348-9116 Maureen Bonness, Director
2016 Calendar
Feb 16, 2016 Apr 19, 2016 - election of officers Jun 21, 2016 Aug 16, 2016 Oct 18, 2016 Dec 20, 2016 - Christmas / Holiday Party